I was lucky enough to join the Indianapolis Moms team as a contributing writer, then later this year stepped up to cover the Social Media Coordinator position! I wanted to make a post wrapping up all the blog posts that made it into publishing!
So here we go!

A Lesson in Pregnancy: How to Support to a Friend Struggling to Conceive
This was written as my submission piece for my application. It was written from the view of seeing so many women around me struggling to conceive or experienced loss. It was hard to write but definitely something that needs to be talked about more often. Read here.
4 Reasons Why You Should Wait to Find Out Your Baby’s Gender
This was an exciting piece to write because I was Team Green for my last two pregnancies. Not sure for the next, but we will cross that road when we get there. A good read for anyone contemplating their baby’s gender! Read here.
Our Birth Story: Her Birthday and My Entrance into Motherhood
I wrote this blog post after Isla was born when a friend told me “you did good.” Even though it was Isla’s first birthday, it was mine as well. When I became a mom. Read here.
A Journey in Motherhood: Why I Need My Childless Girlfriends
This piece was written for my friends, the aunts to my daughters and my beloved childless besties. Because, I still need them every day. Even though they may not understand my life as well as they used to. Read here.
How I Decided to Become A Stay At Home Mom
My husband and I decided that I would stay home after our second was born. It wasn’t an easy decision but it was the best. And still the best decision. Read here.
How Exclusively Pumping Works for Me
I exclusively pumped for Isla and continued with Ellie. I talk about how it worked out for me because it’s not easy but to some, it’s the only way. Read here.
I Lost It on My Daughter
I wrote this when I was emotional. I usually write better that way, but this piece was personal. It was the first time I yelled at her without even thinking. I lost my mind. Read here.
An Introvert’s Guide to Being the Hostess with the Mostest
A little piece written for all my introverts who want to party, but not for a long time! Read here.
She Won’t Need Me One Day
Another emotional piece. A thought into the future of when Isla or Ellie won’t need me anymore. Read here.
Fill Your Cup, Mama!
A self care piece to remind mamas to put themselves first. Read here.
A Quick Beauty Routine for Busy Moms
Touched on my side hobby: makeup and hair. Although I am no expert, I do love playing around with my (clean and nontoxic) makeup and doing my hair, because who doesn’t? Read here.
It was a wonderful year of writing, now I have the joy of coordinating the social media aspect! I seriously enjoy all the blog posts that my fellow contributors write and I’m humbled to be around such wonderful, strong, and intelligent women. Can’t wait to see what challenges next year will bring!