Last year, grace was my word of the year and I feel like I did my best. Whether it was giving grace to myself and others, this year was not expected. A pandemic, a new baby, and all the little parenting things that throw us off guard, grace was the perfect word to accompany the rocky year no one was expecting.
2020 was graceful in some respect
I chose grace because I realized how difficult motherhood was. I was hard on myself to be picture perfect and be the best possible mother for Isla. I found out early that it was not attainable to be perfect but being the best of Isla doesn’t have to be intricate. Read the post here.
I counted my wins every day and it honestly made a better person. Adding Ellie to our family was a blessing and even though 2 under 2 gave me full hands, my heart was VERY full. I love nothing more than to be home with my girls.
2021 Word of the Year

Determination means focusing on getting your goal accomplished. Personally, it means persisting and never giving up when the world is against you. I’m sure to have bad days, but I can’t let those days define me. I am willing to put in the work and start pushing forward. I’m ready to disrupt my environment.
I am going to be determined to start what I finish.
I am going to be determined to welcome constructive criticism.
I am going to be determined to expect rejection but understand that each “no” will lead me to a “yes.”
I am going to be determined to have as many good days as I can.
I am going to be determined to live life to it’s fullest.
I am going to be determined to fully put myself out there and build my own business.
I am going to be determined.
Are you picking a word of the year? It can be a good way to start 2021 on a good note since we know 2020 just so…bleh. Read Happiness is Homemade’s blog post about choosing a word!