Nursing a baby is work. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. As mamas, we need all the help we can get. Kudos to the support person in our lives. If you made it through labor with us, then you can surely help us with the rest!

I remember when I first started pumping Steve said, “I like this because I feel like I can help.” Very heartwarming to hear because up until that point, I felt like a lone ranger. Once I made the decision to pump, he was the one who sterilized my pumping equipment, helped me get situated, and fed Isla the milk I had pumped. #fatherofyearaward
So if you’re wondering how your husband/boyfriend/support person can help…I made a list for you.
- Wash/Prepare Bottles: Super easy task. Get hot water and soap. Even better if you have sterilizing bags.
- Making food: For you! Nursing/pumping is hard work! I’m never hungry, I’m HANGRY! I need food ASAP. Dad can heat something up, make a sandwich, or go out and get you nourishment!
- Feed Baby: If you’re pumping, they can feed baby while you pump. This was something my hubby and I did during the first couple months. I would wake up to pump and at the same time, Isla would be hungry. Which leads me to my next point…
- Stay Awake: Being awake at night is lonely, so if he can suck it up and stay awake with you for a few minutes. That is enough to feel supported.
- Hold baby: This goes along with feeding baby while pumping, but it also means just hold the baby! As mama, you need a break. So when you’re done nursing/pumping, hand off baby and take a little “me-time.”
- Support: Whether it is nursing or pumping, make sure they remind you often that you’re doing a great job.