The past two weeks have been exhausting! It’s the end of the summer and we have been leaving town every weekend! Trying to recharge after a weekend of fun has been hard. I can’t imagine what it would be like when this baby comes!
[line] Bumpdate [line]
I can feel my skin stretching, my appetite is growing, and I’m feeling Mexipino move more often! I can now watch his/her kicks just by looking at my bump!
I’m walking around a little bit slower and chasing after Domer has been a struggle.
My bump has won me seats in crowed restaurant lobbies and staring eyes at liquor stores.
I’m getting anxious to know if Mexipino is a boy or girl, but I know I will have the best surprise in December.
My plans for his/her nursery is coming together and I can’t wait for us to get started. Unfortunately, football season is upon us so I hope my husband will make it a priority!
My hair is getting thicker and frankly, I hate my hair style. I need a new ‘do! I don’t know if it’s because it is so humid, but I need a new anti-frizz product. When I mean new, I mean I need one.
My next appointment is in two weeks and then the appointment after that is my sugar appointment. (I hope to Baby Jesus that I don’t have the health provider curse on me!)
Outfit details: This dress is so comfy, I took a gamble and ordered a dress from Amazon. I trusted the reviews and love my choice! It’s super soft, breathable material. I got my sandals on sale from Altar’d State last year.
[line] Seeing the Dentist [line]
I finally had my dentist appointment during my 22 week mark and was so anxious just driving there. I did not like my pediatric dentist and unfortunately gave a bad name to any dentist. He was so awful to me when I young. When I was in preschool, I needed to have crowns placed on my molars and I was not having it. I remember it hurting so much that I started crying for my mom. This dentist doesn’t allow parents in the back. He got so fed up with me that he had his assistants carry me back to my mom in the waiting room. That was just one of the horrible memories in his office. Unfortunately, I had to deal with him until I was 20.
Thankfully, my adult dentist in Chicago was better and my new dentist here is amazing. A friend actually recommended her and I’m so glad she connected me to this office! I realized I needed to see the dentist more than ever since I’m pregnant. I knew I had a cavity or two, but I also suspected some gingivitis going on because I would bleed after I’d brush my teeth.
Dr. Stante made me feel so comfortable during the whole appointment and talked me through everything she was doing. She confirmed my suspicions and planned to take care of my gingivitis before tackling my cavities. I also have to lay off Diet Coke and anything super acidic. Even lemon in water can be acidic. Even though I have to go back for another cleaning in another month, I’m so glad that I got this off my plate and that I’m back on track. Plus, I like my dentist! So that takes away a lot of my anxiety!
[line] Why It’s Important to See the Dentist During Pregnancy [line]
If you have an infection in your teeth or gums, you have a higher chance of delivering premature.
Pregnant women are more at risk for periodontal disease (infection in mouth caused by bacteria) due to hormone changes as well as nausea and vomiting.
It’s safe to be treated for dental procedures while pregnant, make sure you dentist is aware that you are!
X-rays are prohibited when pregnant, but if you wear a lead apron you will be ok since the x-ray will be solely focused on your jaws. (Plus you get more radiation away from the dentist chair anyway!)
[line] Tips to Keep Your Pearly Whites, Pearly! [line]
Brush your teeth twice a day! (Regularly cleaning your teeth prevents plaque buildup. Use a soft bristled brush since you’re more likely to bleed. Even better to purchase an electronic brush, if you have an HSA account, it is on the list for acceptable purchases!)
Floss! And I don’t mean the dance move. But if you can do it while you floss, then be my guest…(I don’t even lie anymore. No, I don’t floss but after this appointment I make it a point every night before bed to do it!)
Rinse your mouth with warm water and salt if you suspect some inflammation. (Salt water soothes the gums and does other medical magic.)
Instead of sugary treats, switch them out with fruits, vegetables, yogurt, or cheese! (Nutritious is better for you and baby. Sugar adds more plaque.)
When in doubt, drink water. (Just do it.)