24 Weeks! Where has the time gone?! You know what I can’t believe? How fast the grass in my backyard has been growing. I swear I saw it grow 3 inches within 2 hours. Our backyard faces the rising sun and it’s been raining every other day in Indiana. Plus, our backyard is on a hill. I actually like cutting the grass because it’s kind of soothing to me. Same with shoveling. Also, it’s my cardio for the week and every time I push the mower up the hill I think “one step closer to Carrie Underwood legs!”
Mexipino is the size of a cantaloupe! He or she also has a new glow…due to the appearance of capillaries. People have been telling me that I look glowing as well…don’t be fooled, I’m sweating like a monsoon right as I step outside the door.
[line] The Bump [line]
It’s definitely gotten bigger, I can feel my skin stretching. It’s so weird. I’ve been rubbing this to hopefully prevent stretch marks. It smells so good and feels amazing!
Mexipino is one active little bean. I wonder if he/she will be a gymnast. Of course Steve is hoping for a wrestler.
He/she will give me a little kick when I place my hand on my lower abdomen. It makes me so happy to feel his/her movements, like he/she is saying “Hi mama!”.
I have started the pregnant waddle. I cannot keep up with fast walking people anymore, so embarrassing.
I have also started baby whale noises trying to get out of bed.
And,I have also been waking up at least once a night to waddle to the toilet.
Probably because I’ve been craving a lot of water.
I was watching my hubby sleep one morning, because I’m a creep wife, and decided that Mexipino has his lips (per our 3D picture.)
I tried two types of non-alcoholic beer. I’m pretty sure they forgot to take the alcohol out in the first beer I tried. Or this company is really good at faking beer. Mexipino may have gotten drunk for the first time. That’s a joke. I would never put my baby in danger like that. (Disclaimer: I was so surprised by the taste, I only took 3 sips and gave up.)
I have some lower back aches now and then.
I don’t have a metallic taste in my mouth, but I have some weird taste that has been carried on since first trimester. It makes eating difficult and I always have a peppermint on hand because that seems to make it go away for an hour.
I’m craving grapes. Seedless, green ones.
I’m also experiencing some round ligament pain every now and then.
The bump also made his/her first appearance at Monday Night Football, Colts vs. Ravens. He/She was a moving machine, probably loved all the noise.
And I booked my maternity photo shoot for the end of September. I’m so excited!
Finally, I discovered the maternity section at Goodwill. Best. Day. Ever.
Outfit: Dress is from PinkBlush. Sandals from Altar’d State.
P.S. Look at that grass! I cut that shit the morning before and it GREW! I don’t know if it’s the rain or Domer has some magical grass growing enzyme in his urine.