Can you believe 2019 is coming to a close? I’m so sorry I have been MIA but with this second pregnancy practically HALF WAY OVER already, I have been busy chasing my toddler and basically being domestic. Sigh. With that being said, T&H has definitely taken a back seat. So much, that I have barely done anything with it!
It’s given me time to reflect on how much I’ve grown as a blogger, as a entrepreneur, and as a mother! T&H is my creative outlet to explore the world around me. To escape my mama role, even my nurse role! Just to chat about things that I think are important or needed to be said.
Here’s the Tea…with 2020 around the corner, I figured this would be the best time and place to establish new goals. After all, writing down goals seems to be the best way to actually get them done. Anyone love to-do lists? ME!

2020 Goals
- Be more consistent on blog posts! My originally goal was always 2 posts a week, let’s see if I can manage!
- Eating healthier: meal plan and learn to cook! I did Whole 30 a couple years ago before Isla and picked up some cooking tricks. With a bundle on the way, I need to be better about picking better meals. Sorry McDonalds, you’re losing a customer. Portillos, I’ll see you tomorrow.
- Be gentle on myself. Motherhood/parenthood has proven to be survival of the fittest. But that doesn’t mean I need to be perfect 24/7. As long as my ducklings as happy and healthy, I call that a win.
- Try running! I watched Brittany Runs a Marathon on Amazon Prime and it motivated me to start running. However, I can’t start a new workout regimen in the middle of my pregnancy, so once Mexipino #2 arrives, I would love to try running and maybe do a 5k?
- Join Mom groups! If you haven’t heard, I’m a contributing writer for Indianapolis Moms Blog! I love this group of women, but I think I would benefit more if I joined little groups in the area. My hubby and I tried joining small groups within our church, but for some reason it kept falling through!
- Keep track of how much money I’m spending. My hubby may think this is the best of them all. I don’t think I need to elaborate much on this. I don’t know why I’m not friends with our Amazon Prime delivery person, but I am a generous, LOYAL customer. (No matter how much USPS screws up.) Not something my hubby is proud of, but he was the one who the got the account in the first place. #notguilty
- Accomplish house projects. This is a never-ending goal as a homeowner, I think. So, for this year I would LOVE to get our bathrooms a little sprucing up, Isla’s big girl room painted and furnished, and our basement decorated.
- Be grateful. For everything I have because without it, I would have nothing. Literally.
Do you have your goals written down?