I knew this baby would be making an early appearance. When my OB decided to give me an induction date due to the pandemic my first thought was, “I’m going to have this baby before then!” And I was right!

6 Days Before
I was 4cm at my 38 week appointment. I was really happy to hear that because I was contracting every 5 minutes lasting 1 minute for two hours the night before. Textbook contractions. And they were REAL where I had to close my eyes tightly and breathe through each of them because they were THAT discomforting. If I didn’t have my appointment that morning I would have called my OB and I knew I would have been sent to triage.
Unfortunately, the contractions were already gone by my appointment but I was still uncomfortable. I agreed to a membrane sweep which was PAINFUL followed by an NST (non-stress test) to see how baby was doing and if contractions would pick up again. In the end, my contractions were 6-8 minutes apart but I wasn’t in as much pain as before. I had two options: go to triage to be observed or go home and wait for labor to start. I went home. My OB estimated that since I was 4cm already that my water would break within 24 hours. I was terrified.
I know! I know! I already had a baby so I know what it is like. But that is the thing! I know what to expect so that made me more scared.

I called my husband and told him to cancel all his patients because this baby may be coming that day. I remember sitting in the corner of our couch trying to organize my feelings but I just couldn’t think straight. My mother-in-law was already on her way to be on stand by to stay with Isla. Little did we know, this baby wasn’t coming on our schedule. Shocker!
For 6 days, I tried every reasonable way to start labor. I walked, ate spicy food, bounced on a ball, did housework, attempted squats and lunges, went through the Taco Bell drive-thru for hot sauce etc. But contractions just did not come back. Truthfully, I felt defeated. This baby was teasing me and I just couldn’t get over it. I wish I had control but I didn’t.
By Sunday, my mother-in-law left and my mom was on her way down. I accepted the fact that this baby will come on his or her own time and I will just have to wait. I re-routed my mind on to the next house project to keep my head busy.
Birth Day
While discussing my ideas with my husband, I placed Isla in her high chair for snack time when…I felt a gush. Like Isla’s birth story, I didn’t know if I peed myself. (#pregnantproblems) It was only a small gush and it stopped. Like any regular human being I googled symptoms of water breaking. I thought it was nothing, until I went to the bathroom and more fluid came out. This time I called the OB on-call who told me to come in to triage. My husband FINALLY packed a bag! I hugged Isla tightly before we brought her to our neighbors until my mom arrived (thankfully she was already 45 min out.) We arrived at the hospital in 15min and got admitted right away.
They started me on pitocin right away. I was still 4cm so I knew once they started me on pit, I would go quickly. Thankfully, I had enough time for an epidural. My nurse checked me soon after the epidural was placed and said I was 6cm with a bulging bag. That explains why I wasn’t sure if my water broke, because I had a high leak.
Let me tell you, once my water broke…it was GO TIME. Baby slipped down. I thought I was going to shit myself. I thought I was going to deliver her unattended. I made Steve wave down the closest nurse because I thought this baby was going arrive ASAP. My nurse checked and I was 10cm/100%/+2. To non medical folk, baby is ready to be born. What made me so anxious (besides the immense pressure) was being told the OB was on her way. I verified with the nurse that she meant she was at home and not in-house. Big, deep breaths. She assured me if anything happened there was an OB on the floor should there be an emergency, which calmed me down. My OB’s partner arrived in 15 min which seemed like forever to me, but once she walked in she said “push” and I PUSHED!
3 contractions later, SHE was here.

Isabelle Lupe
Like Isla, this baby was a surprise. Deep in my heart, I knew it was a girl. Even though some of my symptoms pointed towards boy and I carried differently, I felt more of a connection to a girl. Also, I couldn’t settle on a boy name and was very attached to our girl name. Everyone thought I was carrying a boy, but quietly my heart said no.

Isabelle was our second girl name after Isla. It’s just a coincidence both their names start with “IS.” I love the name Isabelle because it is a kind, sweet, flowing name. Like a little ballerina. We gave her the nickname Ellie because I know she will be a spirited, outgoing little girl.
Her middle name was changed after she was delivered. My husband suggested it and I loved it immediately. Lupe is Steven’s grandmother’s name. She was the matriarch of his maternal side, who was so strong and beautiful in so many ways. It was the best way to honor her and keep her memory alive.
Unfortunately, I hemorrhaged post delivery. I thankfully recovered and am currently doing well. Ellie spent some time under the lights due to jaundice. We both hit some rough patches but I was thankful to be discharged home together.

Being in the hospital during COVID-19 was not at all scary. Thankfully, they allowed one support person. I had to wear a mask during delivery but it wasn’t so bad. I actually appreciated just having Steve with me. It made me realize that everything I need right now is in this room. Sure I wanted my mother there and I wanted Isla to come in and meet her sister. But, this was better. I appreciated the “quiet” and to be able to recharge before going home. It just made going home to both Isla and my mom so much sweeter.
My neighbor warned me that the next time I would see Isla that she would be bigger. It was true. When I brought Ellie to Isla, for the first time I saw Isla grow into a big sister. I am a girl mom, for now. I have full hands but an even fuller heart. I’m so grateful for my neighbors for always keeping a watchful eye, holding on to our oldest, and for always putting a smile on our faces. Our mothers for being here for Isla, keeping our stomachs full, and giving us rest. And the hospital staff for keeping Ellie and I safe.
I now have 2 under 2 which has been the hardest thing I’ve ever tackled but I am so happy. My OB did not deliver me this time again and as she stated, I’m the first patient she has not delivered.
Well, third times the charm, right?