Building a baby registry was one of the funnest activities during pregnancy. There was not a lot of enjoyable things, in my experience, but one of the most exciting parts was putting together a list of things I may possibly need. Because I LOVE lists!
I honestly had a hard time in the beginning, because I didn’t know what I would need! A few mamas gave me some input and BuyBuyBaby’s website did their best, in the end…I was completely overwhelmed. I ended up looking at my friends’ registries and copied off them. Because they probably did all the dirty work anyway.

I realized in the end that mamas are just gonna buy me whatever. Whether it was on the list or not. I received items that was not on my list but use almost every day! And I had items on my list that I ended up returning because it just did not work out…or I had duplicates. That’s the great thing about being surrounded by veteran moms. They know that I don’t know.

So here are my top items from my registry and beyond! (None of these items are sponsored, however I do receive commission from Beautycounter.)
The oogiebear is basically a shovel to get out the baby boogers and ear gunk! Isla was born during the winter cold season and when she got her first cold, this oogiebear was a godsend! Her poor little nose was stuffed up, I’m so glad that someone invented this! (Moreoever, that my friend bought this for me!!) Better than sticking random sticks up their nose! I HIGHLY recommend putting this on your registry!
Fridababy NoseFrida
I had this on my registry because so many people told me about it and I am so glad I listened! The NoseFrida is a nose sucker! You literally suck out the babe’s boogers. You control the vacuum and works wonders. You will thank me when your baby has his/her first runny nose. Isla doesn’t like it, but she calms down once her nose is free from mucous!
Boon Lawn Drying Rack
Being an exclusive pumper, I use the Lawn Drying Rack every day. It’s nice to have a dedicated spot for my bottles and pumping supplies away from our plates and all. It also fits in with my kitchen decor. Plus it is so cute! I also have the travel size when I we are away from home.
I actually didn’t realize how useful this swaddle would be but I’m so glad I put it on my registry! It’s basically a cocoon and it wraps your baby’s arms tightly to their body, effectively inhibiting their Moro (startle) reflex. (We received a Halo from the hospital but it was so huge on her!) The SwaddleMe worked so well for Isla, made her into the perfect cocoon and slept well in it. I was so sad when she grew out of it, but I ended up purchasing the transitional SwaddleUp for when she started to roll. It lets your baby put his/hands up while sleeping and when Isla rolled over, we were able to un-zip the wings so her arms were free! We bought one for daycare and one for home!
MAM Bottles
I went from using the Medela bottles, to Dr. Brown, to MAM. This was not in my registry, but I got a free one in a swag bag from Motherhood Maternity. I didn’t like the Medela bottle because it seemed like Isla was spitting up a lot, the Dr. Brown bottles leaked and she was still spitting up, so then I tried the MAM bottle and everything went away and Isla seemed content with it! The great thing about the MAM bottles is that they are self sterilizing. And they’re really cute!
Joovy Qool Stroller
I love our stroller. It’s so easy to maneuver, collapse, and store. Plus, it grows with your family. We purchased the car seat adapter and later down the road we can buy adapters for another seat. It can hold up to two babies and a toddler.

Bath Tub
I love the Fisher-Price 4 in 1 Sling ‘n Seat Bath Tub. This grows with baby as well, but what is great about this tub is the sling portion. It cradles baby as you wash him/her. Better than trying to hold baby up as you try to wash and dry!
Finding Dory Activity Gym
This is my favorite mat because it plays music, there is light stimulation, and little toys and mirrors for her to swipe at. It is perfect for tummy time. Plus it occupies her while I get ready in the morning.

Auto Rock N Play Sleeper
The best part about this Rock N Play? It’s automatic. I didn’t realize how much this would be a game changer, until I plugged it in and Isla slept. I didn’t use it at night, but throughout the day for her naps. It literally rocked her to sleep and soothed her. This is a must have! Especially when you have a million things to do around the house, you just put baby down and do your thang, mama!
Now I did breast feed for the first few days, but back then, the Boppy was not my best friend. I eventually used it around my hip as I bottle fed Isla, but got frustrated when I had to stand up because it would stay curled on me! But it paid off when it came to tummy time. Isla loves using it to prop her arms on. I’d say it definitely made tummy time more enjoyable for her and made her neck muscles stronger! She doesn’t like her back to placed on it, because she just wiggles her way off of it and gets MAD.

Halo Bassinest
We actually purchased ours on Facebook marketplace! The Halo Bassinest is the perfect bassinet to have at bedside. It swivels, vibrates, has a night light, and sound. Plus, the side collapses so I can easily reach her in the middle of the night. It is my favorite MUST HAVE item. You can do with any bassinet, but I love how I can move it around and it perfectly meets my bed. It’s like she’s sleeping next to me but she has her own space. Plus, she’s safer that way.
Beautycounter Baby Soothing Oil
Shameless plug, but to be truly honest…this oil is a jack of all trades. It removed her cradle cap from her eyebrows within a week, is a great massage oil for bed time, moisturized my hands after multiple washes of my pump parts and bottles, plus it is safe for baby and everyone. I always gift the Beautycounter Baby bundle to all my expecting friends because you can’t go wrong with having the best for your family. Did I mention it also removes stubborn eye makeup? You need this…so does your beautiful babe! (Mention this oil to me, via instagram, and I will send you a sample of one of my favorite products!)

Itzy Ritzy Boss Backpack
I originally had the Skip Hop Chelsea Bag as my diaper back, but soon realized that a messenger bag/tote is NOT the way to go. It’s so much easier to store things in a backpack, plus you have use of both arms without the bag getting in the way. What I love the most about this backpack is that it has multiple pockets, bottle holders, and super stylish. It’s not cheap material, either. It’s perfect for any mom boss. Plus I love the company so much I became an ambassador for them! (Use my code terri25 for 25% off your purchase or message me on how you can get 50% off!)

Do you have any favorites from your registry or any finds that you found helpful? Let me know and we can share with the mama community!