Obviously, being an exclusive pumper is difficult. But, as a mother, I believe I did what I needed to do to feed my baby; therefore, it didn’t seem hard in the beginning. There were times I felt like I wasn’t enough, that I wasn’t doing everything correctly, only to figure out that I need to trust my instincts. I found comfort on a Facebook exclusive pumping group of mamas who offered endless support and advice. Because of this group, I am able to pump for as long as I am.
Without further ado, I’m sharing my pumping hacks. For the mamas struggling to pump, nursing and pumping, and those just trying to feed their babies, this is for you. I hope you will find something that will help you on your journey.

Hiccup Hacks
1.) It’s been said if you smell or hear your baby cry, it will encourage a let down. I wash my hands free bra and nursing cover with my baby’s detergent compared to our regular detergent. When I’m at work pumping, and I smell my nursing cover, it immediately reminds me of Isla and I immediately feel relaxed. Oxytocin is the hormone that causes contractions, as known as the feel good hormone, it encourages the let down for your breast milk!
2.) Refrigerate your parts. Instead of washing your parts between pumps, especially if you’re pumping every 2-3 hours, I suggest placing your parts in a plastic bag, or if you’re wanting to be eco-friendly, get a reusable bag and put your parts in there. No need to dry your hands out when you can just place them in the refrigerator. It’s the same thing as placing your milk in the fridge. As long as your parts are cold, you will be fine. I do wash my parts at night before bed, or in the morning.
3.) Use the pitcher method. All the milk I pump within a day, I pour into a pitcher. I used the Dr. Brown pitcher which has a mixer built in the cap. I love this feature because when I’m ready to make a bottle, it will mix all the fat that gathered on top. At the end of the day, any milk left over I pour into storage bags and put into my freezer stash.

4.) Put a flat piece of cardboard or use a cookie sheet to lay down your milk bags. It is easier to store your freezer stash if they are frozen flat and packed into blocks.
5.) Use your flange as a funnel to pour milk into a bottle. Do this if you don’t want to cry your eyeballs out from spilled milk.

6.) To thaw freezer stash, take bags out at night and let them thaw overnight. Especially if your baby is in day care and you need to prepare bottles, this is the best method.
7.) Use an app to keep track of your freezer supply and how much you produce every day. I love the My Medela App and the Pump Log App.
8.) Itchy? I never liked lanolin. So I used coconut oil!

9.) Need to boost your supply? Drink water and utilize the middle of the night pump. I even made my own lactation cookies! I skipped fenugreek, though. (I read that it could either increase or decrease supply, so I just left it out.) Utilized brewer’s yeast, flaxseed, and oat meal. Disclaimer: not sure if this really worked but it was super delicious.
10.) Prone to clogs? Hot shower then pump while hand-expressing with a warm towel. That usually worked for me. Be aware if it is mastitis. You will need to call your doctor and get on antibiotics ASAP.
11.) Don’t want to buy another nursing bra? Make one from an old sports bra! Also, use an old tank top and cut off the chest area while leaving the straps in tact. This will be clutch when you’re pumping outside of home, lift your shirt up and realize your belly is exposed.
12.) Do not be bashful about pumping in public. It’s basically the same thing as nursing. Need to feel more discreet? I recommend the freemie cups! I have special tubing that attaches to my medela freestyle. They are perfect when it comes to playing with Isla!
BONUS: Pump while driving. Safety first, only if you are able to do so. There were times when I would miss a time to pump at work or leave work late and NEEDED to pump. I would pump on the way home. Just use my nursing cover over everything. But only do so if you can safely do it. I would take side streets home and avoid the high way. Do you know how embarrassing that would be if I could pulled over and I was pumping?
What are your hacks?