If you don’t follow me on Instagram then you wouldn’t know but, SURPRISE! I’m pregnant with Mexipino #3 due in December. Yes, another December baby. Yes, another gender we didn’t find out. But that won’t stop me from doing a little fun with the pregnancy myths of old wives’ tales. If you’re wondering, the old hens were correct with my previous two pregnancies, peep Isla and Ellie. So what am I thinking this pregnancy? I have no idea.
With Isla, I thought I was carrying a boy then later in the pregnancy I changed my mind. With Ellie, I had strong feelings she was a girl, but I never told anyone. Not even my husband. To be truly honest, at her 20 week formal ultrasound the tech slipped and said “he looks good.” But in my heart, I said you’re wrong. So do I have a feeling if it’s a boy or girl? I will never tell my true feelings, but I will say I have an inkling…something that I had with both Isla and Ellie. But I won’t tell anyone until baby arrives!!
So without further ado. Old Wives’ Tale Round 3…

Baby’s heart rate: Consistently over >140.
Girl 1/ Boy 0
Cravings: Sweet! I failed my 1hr GTT and I’m currently waiting on the results of my 3hr GTT. But it’s bad.
Girl 2 / Boy 0
Pregnancy glow: Ugh. I don’t know what it’s like to have this. But my skin is dry, red, and disgusting.
Girl 3 / Boy 0
Sleeping on the: RIGHT! And baby moves the most when I lay on this side!
Girl 4 / Boy 0
Morning Sickness: This one is hard because it was a different type of sickness. Nausea was always secondary to heartburn/bloating. But I was sick and I didn’t feel better until 20-21 weeks. Not as bad as I was with Isla, but I was sick until 17 weeks. I remember being sick with Ellie, but not really bad.
Girl 5 / Boy 0
Moody vs Mellow: I think I’m mellow. Even Steve agrees.
Girl 5/ Boy 1
Chinese Calendar: BOY
Girl 5/ Boy 2
Mayan Calendar: BOY
Girl 5 / Boy 3
Ring : It moved back and forth which means, boy!
Girl 5 / Boy 4
Partner’s Weight Gain: Maintained. Old wives say sympathy weight is seen with girls. But this can be null and void because Steve is pretty healthy and refuses to be part of the “dad-bod” movement.
Girl 5 / Boy 5
Carrying: I feel like I’m carrying low and everyone who inspects my bump thinks it’s a boy. Even our Uber driver in Dallas agrees. (I also felt like I was carrying low with Ellie, but keep in mind I got pregnant 8 months after having Isla.)
Girl 5 / Boy 6
Protein: I’ll eat it but I don’t have to have it. Protein-rich food is seen with boys. I’m not a protein eater anyway (pregnant or not), I’d rather eat cake.
Girl 6 / Boy 6
Girl 6 / Boy 6
Isn’t that something! Remember, these are pregnancy myths I’m playing with so this is obviously not to confirm what I’m having. So let this be known to everyone asking me what I think this baby is…I don’t know. Even the old wives aren’t sure either. Every pregnancy is different and this one proves just that. I just want to get through labor, delivery, and recovery because to be truly honest, I’m really scared this time around to deliver.
So to all the haters that roll their eyes at me when I say “I just want a healthy baby” I just WANT that.
Isla and Ellie understand that there is a baby in mommy’s belly. I’m not sure what is the best way to prepare them for this transition, but they have taken a liking to playing “mom and baby” and putting their baby dolls to sleep. I think Domer is well adjusted at this point and will always demand his spot in our bed.