This is an unpopular opinion because there are people who believe Thanksgiving should have A WHOLE MONTH devoted to that holiday. I dissent. (HAYY RBG, Rest in power girlfriend!)
Thanksgiving is a day where we give thanks. Christmas is A SEASON where we get ready to celebrate with loved ones because of Jesus. Mmmk? So I believe the Christmas season starts Halloween night. I mean, the Philippines start September 1 so I’m already behind!!! Furthermore, I have personal reasons, too.

I love the Christmas spirit. The experience, the smells, the activities, the family and friends, presents, and mostly, the love that fills my soul. Christmas has always been a happy holiday for me. My mom would decorate our house and my dad would put Christmas lights on our house. Essentially, I’m too impatient to start after Thanksgiving to start decorating because this holiday means everything to me. Lastly, this holiday needs to last forever.
My kids! I want my kids to grow up thinking “Mom always did it BIG for Christmas.” And that my love for Christmas will be passed down to them. Every day is a preparation for Christmas, to (religiously) get ready for the birth of Jesus and to prepare our hearts and minds. Also, to plan gift ideas because I’m a giver (to my hubby’s dismay!)
Time! I need two months to properly prepare, plan, watch movies, listen to songs, and bake all the sweets. Just last year, I made it a deal to bake cookies and sweets with Isla then go to the zoo, and THEN lights at the brickyard.
And…I personally don’t like Thanksgiving. I know, I’m weird. But, I just never had good memories associated with it. It’s an American holiday and my family celebrate it because we’re American but honestly, it was just another reason for my family to get together and…gossip.
Here is my ULTIMATE reason why: My first Halloween I moved to Indy, I was really sad. I know, pathetic. But I lived in a new city with no friends. I transitioned from one job to another and I remember sitting in my apartment feeling really depressed. My then-boyfriend-now-husband suggested, “let’s get a Christmas tree” and that made everything better. It was my first Christmas tree I ever owned and the very first one I always put up. See, it’s not just about Christmas. It’s about a time in my life when I was alone and my husband reminded me that I wasn’t. So every time I see our little, dinky tree…I reflect on my past and see where I am now. A lot has changed, and I’m grateful for that.
So listen here! All you cotton headed ninnymuggins! The next time you judge someone for putting Christmas decorations up “early,” think about what triggers them to do so.
Here’s to warm hearts, happy smiles, and Christmas season!